The Crisis Computing team at the Qatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI) develops novel Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies and computational models that address specific needs of humanitarian organizations and emergency management agencies during natural and man-made disasters. One of QCRI’s flagship projects in this space is Artificial Intelligence for Digital Response (AIDR). AIDR collects, classifies, and aggregates text messages (e.g., tweets) and images on social media in real-time to increase situational awareness and support humanitarian relief efforts led by organizations such as UN OCHA.

Multimedia content (e.g., images and videos), either captured using UAVs, satellites, or social media at the onset of a disaster event can be useful for several humanitarian relief efforts such as damage severity assessment, search and rescue operation, food security, wildlife conservation, cultural heritage protection, attacks on education, among others. We believe that the triangulation of UAV and satellite imagery with social media content can play an important role in accomplishing several of the aforementioned humanitarian tasks. As this is still a fairly nascent area, we invite both local and international stakeholders, practitioners and researchers to join this workshop to discuss challenges and opportunities in this domain and to shape future research roadmap and potentially ignite collaborations.

Devis Tuia — Wageningen University & Research (WUR)
Doina Caragea — Kansas State University (KSU)
Elliot McBride — The Centre for Humanitarian Data, UN OCHA
Faine Greenwood — Harvard Humanitarian Initiative (HHI)
Manuel Fiol — UNITAR’s Operational Satellite Applications Programme (UNOSAT)
Per Aarvik — Standby Task Force (SBTF)
Robin Murphy — Texas A&M University (TAMU)
Wim Zwijnenburg — Peace Organization PAX

UNESCO Doha, Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS), Education Above All (EAA), Ministry of Transport and Communications (MOTC), Ministry of Public Health, Qatar Scientific Club, Qatar Emiri Air Force.

Workshop agenda is available here.
Details about the invited speakers’ talks and bios can be found here.

June 26-27, 2018
Multipurpose Room
HBKU Research Complex
Education City, Doha, Qatar

Ferda Ofli
Muhammad Imran
Firoj Alam
Ingmar Weber

This is an invitation-only event. If you are interested in participating in the workshop, please contact the organizers at